Happy Armed Forces Day:

In honor of AFD, I've spent the day at that most frequent and herculean of military labors: shifting house. My new residence is in that part of Virginia where Mosby's Rangers were raised. I've been loading, unloading, carrying, hauling, and otherwise exhausting myself since dawn. It's now nearly midnight, and it's the first time I've had to sit down.

It's going to be good to be in the South again. Georgia, not Virginia, is my home. Still, this part of the South feels very familiar, very much like the place where I grew up. It'll be a good spot to raise my own son, for the year or two until we shift house again.

Even though I haven't had much time to think of you and yours, I didn't forget. My best to all of you out there in the service. I'll save eloquence for some day when I'm not so tired. For now, just: Good on you, and good luck.

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