- Afghan city falls despite troop dispatch

News from Out East:

Uzbeks allied to General Abdul Dostum have taken one of Afghanistan's provincial captials, in defiance of the US-backed government in Kabul. The city, Faryab, fell to the Uzbek militia in spite of reinforcements from the central government.

Meanwhile, Radio Free Europe reports that the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan is still operating in Afghanistan, although the only dispatches mentioning it or its known members place it in Waziristan. The AP had an interview with a surrendered member, granted amnesty by the government of Uzbekistan.

Uzbekistan is something to watch. We've been hearing a lot more out of them for a while now. Hizb ut Tahrir has been on a publicity campaign for months, and now there are signs of life among Uzbek radicals. Those of you who love Google News might start punching "Uzbek" or "Tahrir" in now and again, to see what comes across your screen.

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