
At home, this time. In South Carolina, police with drawn guns stormed a high school and put the entire student body face-down in the halls while they searched the school for drugs. (And did they find any drugs? No.)

This is not the way American citizens ought to be treated by anyone, but least of all by our own public servants. These officers have demonstrated that they do not understand the principles of a free Republic, and do not merit the honor of the badge, nor the power of the gun, with which they have been entrusted. Everyone involved in this operation must, for the good of the Republic, be fired at once. Prosecution for civil rights violations should follow. I should be glad to see them all sent to prison on felony charges.

These students are being trained to be free citizens. This is no way to train them in how a free man's government relates to him. There is now only one way to save the lesson: by showing the students how free men deal with tyrants.

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