Georgia does right:

Proving once again the commitment of the Great State of Georgia to Individual liberty, Gov. Perdue has refused to partake in the "Matrix" spy-on-the-citizenry program:
Amid cost and privacy concerns, state officials backed away from an anti-terrorism database that officials initially considered joining -- a decision that makes Georgia the sixth state to abandon the Matrix project. The move also casts doubt on the future of a database that tracks personal details of all citizens, not just those accused of a crime.

"I have held serious concerns about the privacy issues involved with this project all along, and have decided it is in the best interest of the people of Georgia that our state have no further participation," Gov. Sonny Perdue said in a statement Tuesday.

[P]rivacy rights advocates questioned the sweeping database, noting that it would contain credit histories, marriages and divorces, even fingerprints and Social Security numbers.

Thanks, but no thanks. Georgians have no need for government spies to protect us from terrorists. We have revolvers and rifles for that.

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