A Bolt from Heaven:

An evangelist calls upon God for a sign, and God delivers:
A member of the First Baptist Church said a guest evangelist was preaching repentance and seeking a sign from God when lightning struck the steeple.

Ronnie Cheney called the incident "awesome, just awesome!"

Cheney said the lightning traveled through the microphone, blew out the sound system and enveloped the preacher, who wasn't hurt.

Afterward, services resumed for about 20 minutes until the congregation realized the church was on fire. The building was evacuated.
This reminds me of the movie about the life of Sergeant York, wherein a bolt of lightning knocks a drunk Alvin York off of his mule just by the church. However, that was Hollywood. One has to leave the metaphysics aside for a moment and just take it in--it is an awesome story.

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