Mourning on the Front Lines:

There has been a great deal of mourning from the media, but one rarely hears our soldiers say anything sad. I found a few sad sentiments, though, running at the bottom of articles from the embeds. Here is a compilation of our fighting men's sadness:
"I'm getting pissed off about it, really," said one British Fusilier, a
member of the famed "Desert Rats." He said, "This is getting to be
peacekeeping duty, like in Bosnia and Kosovo. I came here to fight a war."
Some young Marines who had anticipated a major battle appeared disappointed. "I was told that if I would ever get to shoot my rifle at someone, today would be the day," Lance Cpl. Douglas Sanders said.
"He really doesn't have an army anymore," Capt. Ronny Johnson, a company commander in the 3rd Battalion, said of President Saddam Hussein.

Johnson said he had mixed feelings about the disintegration of the Republican Guard targets. He said he was disappointed because "when you plan and rehearse for something" for so long, you want to carry it out.
Air Force jets, Army AH-64 Apache helicopters and multiple-rocket launchers "destroyed our objective," said Lt. Bevan Stansbury, executive officer of Bravo Company in the 2nd Brigade's 3rd Battalion, 15th Regiment. "So we have no fight right now."

"They pretty much destroyed every vehicle in the brigade," Stansbury said. With a trace of disgust, he added, "Now we're just rolling in and will probably be an occupation force."

Live to fight, love to fight.

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