On Iraq:

Yesterdays heavy casualties seem to have come from two ambushes and a blunder. The blunder was made by the supply-oriented soldiers who wandered into an unsecured area and were captured. That kind of thing, sadly, can happen in war--indeed, it could happen in the rougher parts of Los Angeles.

Ambushes also happen in war. There are two things to remember about this pair of ambushes. First, they both were possible only because of the tight rules of engagement that American soldiers and Marines are using to prevent noncombatant casulaties. Second, after the initial surprise, we won both engagements. That speaks well for the chances of the campaign--an army that can't even win its ambushes is not going to win the victory. Honor yesterday's dead, who fell protecting the people of Iraq from their own, as well as the enemy's, guns. Chivalry indeed.

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