American Wildlife Museum

One of the best things about Jackson Hole is the national wildlife art museum. I highly recommend it if you’re ever out there. 

Note to Frank in IF

Thank you again for the kind invitation. It turns out that my mother, my sister, and my wife fully planned my weekend for me, and I had no leeway for a trip. 

My mother volunteered me to tie a knot board for the local community, the sort of thing that rescuers and Boy Scouts use to learn knots. Here it is in progress. 

My sister planned a lengthy hike near Teton Canyon, as well as a dinner I was to cook for friends and family. 

And my wife planned yesterday’s expedition to Dubois. 

So my life was quite completely ordered by the women, which I am told is the best thing for men. I am sorry that I didn’t have time to get out your way. Thank you for the asking. 

But it's OUR immunity

This is the kind of immunity people should be worried about.

Dubois Rhymes with Cowboys

Today we visited the extremely scenic town of Dubois, Wyoming. It is located on the western edge of Wyoming’s badlands, so that if you ascend the ridge by the town cemetery you will be able to look West upon a mighty gap with ascending trees, or East upon a barren land of colored and banded hills. Look either way, or any way, and you will face stern and glorious beauty. 

Mrs. Grim photographs the scenery.

The town itself is less glorious. It does have an Old West charm, a general store that plausibly claims Butch Cassidy as a former customer, at least one good restaurant called the Cowboy Cafe (est. 1937), and two bars