Wymyn of color

I was told, as Cassandra so often says, that there would be no math in this election.


E Hines said...

I think Chait misunderstood Kutner's article. She was writing a satire, poking fun at the Democrats' racist/sexist/counterheteronormative meme.

I claim that because only a knuckle-walking, beetle-browed, slack-jawed, drooling imbecile would truly misunderstand the statistic's third-grade arithmetic underpinnings, surely so august a journolist as Ms Kutner is none such, and surely so superior an opinion outlet as Salon would never hire such.

Eric Hines

Cass said...

I claim that because only a knuckle-walking, beetle-browed, slack-jawed, drooling imbecile would truly misunderstand the statistic's third-grade arithmetic underpinnings, surely so august a journolist as Ms Kutner is none such, and surely so superior an opinion outlet as Salon would never hire such.


Gringo said...

From the Salon article:
Jenny Kutner is an assistant editor at Salon, focusing on sex, gender and feminism.

That explains it. Math is some sexist subject you took in high school. Due to the sexist nature of math, Jenny rejected anything to do with it.

Jenny Kutner admits that white women voted for Abbott by a big margin. But they don't count, as black and Hispanic women went for Davis. White women don't count, says Jenny Kutner, who is not only a white woman, but a blonde white woman.

Or maybe she is saying that blondes should be ignored. Unless you are talking about Jenny the blonde.

Cass said...

I think maybe she wants Womyn of Ethnicity (!) to get more than one vote.

It's not fair that their votes should count only once.

What a ditz.


Eric Blair said...

I think that "non white people get more votes" thing was tried during the Clintion administration. At least, I remember some nominee going down in flames over it.

jaed said...

Lani Guinier.